The Top 10 Daily Mind Discipline Practices
Think many times before speaking / reacting to anything because it represents our mindset and reflects our upbringing.
Vinod Kashyap

Set and achieve daily small goals.
Take quality time out every day for the special people in your life.
Follow through with a well-planned exercise regimen.
Set and uphold your personal standards and boundaries.
Eat a healthy, well-planned diet.
Practice daily prayer and/or meditation.
Live in integrity.
“By taking just five minutes each morning to visualize success, you train your brain to accept that you are capable of handling success. By visualizing each step of your journey, you are actually getting your mind prepared to handle the opportunity,” avows Jay Samit once more.

One More Powerful Tips by Inspiringguru
“To discipline the mind, focus on what you wish to see in your world. Hold an unrelenting commitment to make that your reality.”