In friendship, you always help each other without expecting anything in return that is true friendship.
Friends say go do it, best friends say let’s go do it.
Friendship quotes
Friendship isn’t about whom
Real Friends
you have known the longest…
It’s about who came and
never left your side.
Friends are like stars;
Friends quote
they come and go,
but the ones that stay are
the ones that glow.
Good friends are hard to find,
Be Good Friend
harder to leave & impossible to forget.
Friends are always there for you
Be a good friend
in your bad times and
help you in any situation
If I make the wrong decision in my life.
Friends quotes
I know my friend is there to make it right.
You always share your pain
Quote about friends
with your friends because
you know they will heal your pain.
If you have good friends
they will always give you the right
advice and make you walk
on the right path.
It dosesn’t matter
Friends quotes
how many friends you have,
it matters how many friends
are there to help you in your bad times.
I made many mistakes
Be a good friends
in life but I never regret that day
when I choose you as my friend.